Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, March 14

Here is the link to Rep. Murphy's speech (see last post):

This week's Lunch 'n Learn was with a well-known, 30-year, multi-client lobbyist.  He explained what he does and why he is so effective at what he does.  Many people have the perception that lobbyists go around trying to corrupt legislators into voting the way they want them to for no good reason.  It's not like that at all; I have noticed that reps (for the most part) respect lobbyists and are open to their views.  As I've said before, reps usually have their mind made up on a bill.

When we gaveled in at 1:00, one clerk asked another clerk if she would marry him.  She said yes and they took off the rest of the day.

In the afternoon, HF 461, HF 484, HF 490, HF 493, HF 499, HF 512, HF 532, HF 536, HF 565, and HF 401 were all debated and passed.  The most exciting thing of the day was the engagement.

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