Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 24

This morning I lead the pledge for a third time. Otherwise, it was a slow day.  HF 267 and HF 458 were briefly debated and passed.

Someone mentioned to me that my blog makes it seem as though the legislators sit around all day when they're not debating or in committee meetings.  This isn't true, for the most part.  A great deal of time is spent on emailing, whether it be to/from constituents or to other legislators about a bill, etc.  On any given day, there may be 5-20 subcommittee meetings (which focus on a single bill).  There are also lobbyists and constituents sending in notes (via the pages) to visit with the legislators.  And yes, sometimes a legislator will sit and read the newspaper while listening to music, but it is most likely because they haven't sat at their desk since they arrived in the morning and are taking a break (which is when they summon a page to get them popcorn and a Dr. Pepper).  There are always politics to work through, whether it be with party leaders, fellow legislators, lobbyists, or constituents.

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