Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 25

As the session winds down, there is less and less business for the House to debate.  In return, there are fewer committee meetings and not as much floor debate.  Today the House convened at 1:00, recessed till the completion of a State Government meeting/caucuses, and sped through SF 289, HF 686, and SF 313.  All that's left is the budget. Ahem, that's right, all they have to do before they leave is decide who knows best as to how they will spend my hard-earned dollars.

I read in the Des Moines Register today that the federal government borrows 42 cents of every dollar it spends. Um, I don't want to start some pointless political rant (lucky for everyone), but it stands to reason that if Washington's politicians were smart enough to get elected, then shouldn't they be able to see that maybe, just maybe maybe maybe, borrowing that much... [dramatic, lengthy, and, finally, awkward pause] their fault? Ok, I'm done now.

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